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air route 航空路線。

However it would be over the high altitude air route known as the “ hump “ that cnac aircrews would contribute most to allied victory and at the same time , create for themselves a legendary record of achievement that is unmatched in aviation history 然而他們將飛越高海拔的著名的“駝峰”航線,中國航空公司全體機組人員對盟軍的勝利作出了巨大的貢獻,同時也創造了航空歷史上傳奇的成就記錄。

These newly explored high altitude air routes would soon be known throughout the world as the “ hump , “ and would play a major role in the ultimate defeat of japan ' s imperial war machine 這些新探索出來的高海拔的航線很快就被譽名為“駝峰” ,且在抗日戰爭取得最后的勝利中擔當了主要的角色。

Where possible , search for and identify the remains of american and chinese aircraft along the infamous “ hump “ air route 沿著“駝峰飛行航線”尋找美中兩國飛機可能遺留的殘骸。

air scoop

Article 96 a public air transport enterprise shall apply to the competent civil aviation authority under the state council for approval with respect to the air route to be operated for scheduled air services , and the suspension or termination of the operation of air route 第九十六條公共航空運輸企業申請經營定期航班運輸(以下簡稱航班運輸)的航線,暫停、終止經營航線,應當報經國務院民用航空主管部門批準。

A civil aircraft , in violation of the provisions of article 75 of this law , fails to follow the air route and to fly at the altitude specified by the air traffic unit , or in violation of the provisions of article 79 of this law , flies across the airspace over a city (二)民用航空器違反本法第七十五條的規定,未按照空中交通管制單位指定的航路和飛行高度飛行,或者違反本法第七十九條的規定飛越城市上空的。

Basic english , have experience in relevant industry , master knowledge of marketing , sea / air route , rates etc in freight forwarder . fine impression , and strong ability of marketing exploitation , have steady - going business , good team work spirit , be positive , responsible , reliable 商務人員4名:有相關工作經驗,大專以上學歷,有較強的英語聽、說、讀、寫能力,具備良好的溝通協調能力,能熟練使用電腦。

However it would be over the high altitude air route known as the “ hump “ that cnac aircrews would contribute most to allied victory and at the same time , create for themselves a legendary record of achievement that is unmatched in aviation history 然而他們將飛越高海拔的著名的“駝峰”航線,中國航空公司全體機組人員對盟軍的勝利作出了巨大的貢獻,同時也創造了航空歷史上傳奇的成就記錄。

The construction of a fixed or temporary air shooting ground beyond the area prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall be subject to approval according to relevant state regulations ; the shooting direction of an air shooting range shall not intersect an air route 在前款規定地帶以外修建固定的或者臨時性對空發射場,應當按照國家規定獲得批準;對空發射場的發射方向,不得與航路交叉。

Article 86 the construction of a shooting range or other facilities that will possibly affect flight safety is prohibited within the area extending 30 kilometers from the edges of an air route , unless it is a shooting range for flat trajectory light weapon 第八十六條在距離航路邊界三十公里以內的地帶,禁止修建靶場和其他可能影響飛行安全的設施;但是,平射輕武器靶場除外。

By immediately utilizing the himalayan air routes they had first charted in 1940 , cnac crews began what would become the most physically challenging , and ultimately the most successful military airlift operation in history 很快他們就利用起他們在1940年第一次繪制出來的喜馬拉雅山航線,中國航空公司的全體機員開始了對他們身體的最大挑戰和在歷史上最終獲得成功的軍事空運行動。

As a standard aviation practice , the atc unit will notify the pilots concerned immediately on any closure or restrictions on the use of air routes . if an alternative routing is available , this will be offered to the pilot concerned 根據一般航空慣例,若飛行航道須要關閉或有所限制,航管單位會即時通知受影響的機師;如有另一條航道可供使用,航管單位亦會向機師提供有關資料。

Zhejiang sanmen aixin industrial co . , ltd . is located in the middle of of chinese golden coastal belt which has a very convenient transportation no matter in sea , land or air route and near to ningbo and wenzhou cities 浙江省三門愛信實業有限公司,地處中國黃金海岸帶中部,與寧波,溫州等城市相鄰,甬.臺.溫高速公路直抵達公司,海運航空均十分便利。

Shortly before chennault ' s avg began operations against the japanese , cnac had pioneered a number of air routes over the forbidding himalayan mountains in order to connect china and india by air 在陳納德的美國航空志愿隊(飛虎隊)開始來中國參加抗日之前,為了能將中國與印度在空中連接起來,中國航空公司在險惡的喜馬拉雅山上空開辟了幾條航線。

Air route traffic control centers ( artcc ) - there is one artcc for each center . each artcc manages traffic within all sectors of its center except for tracon airspace and local - airport airspace 航線管理中心( artcc )每個領空區域都有一個航線管理中心。每個航線管理中心負責本區域內除樞紐雷達管制區和地方機場領空外的所有分區的空中交通管制。

Under the auspices of icao , the airspace and air route structure over the south china sea was reorganised on november 1 , 2001 with the objective of enhancing the efficiency and quality of atc service in the region 在國際民航組織支持下,南中國海的飛行空域和航路在二零零一年十一月一日已予重劃,以提升區內航空交通管制服務的效率和質素。

Article 83 in the event that an air traffic control unit discovers a civil aircraft deviated from its specified air route or lost its course , it shall rapidly take all necessary measures to enable the aircraft to regain course 第八十三條空中交通管制單位發現民用航空器偏離指定航路、迷失航向時,應當迅速采取一切必要措施,使其回歸航路。

In recent years , we have also stepped up our co - operation with other aviation authorities , particularly in areas such as rationalizing airspace , streamlining air routes , and mutual recognition of certification 過去數年,我們進一步加強與各民航機構的合作,尤其在商討空域問題、精簡航道及專業資格互認。

Advanced air routes : south east asia , north america , middle - east , europe , africa , freight rate will be most favorable if the flight is from new guangzhou baiyun international airport , carbin can be guaranteed 優勢航線:東南亞、北美洲、中東、歐洲、非洲,尤其廣州新白云國際機場起飛的航班價格優惠,艙位保證。

Zhejiang sanmen aixin industrial co . , ltd . is located in the middle of of chinese golden coastal belt which has a very convenient transportation no matter in sea , land or air route and near to ningbo and wenzhou cities 浙江省三門愛信實業有限公司,地處中國黃金海岸帶中部,與寧波,溫州等城市相鄰,甬